Vocabulary no. 2

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❬ ❀ ♨V o c a b u l a r y ⇨ √ ❜ ❭

Anit-Federalists: those who did not support ratification of the Constitution 

Articles of Confederation: The 1st basis for the U.S government; adopted in 1781; created an alliance of sovereign states held together by a weak central government 

Bicameral Legislature: a legislature with two houses 

Bill of Rights: 10 amendments at the beginning of the U.S constitution; most were designed to protect fundamental rights and liberties 

Checks and Balances: a system that allows one branch of government to limit the exercise of power by another branch 

Confederation: A highly decentralized form of government; sovereign states form a union for purposes such as mutual defense 

Declaration of Independence: a document written in 1776 in which the American colonists proclaimed their independence from Great Britain and listed their grievances against the British King 

Enumerated Powers: the powers given explicitly to the federal government by the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8) 
    ♚ the powers that were given were to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, raise and support armies, declare war, coin money, and conduct foreign affairs 

Federal System: a form of government in which power is divided between state governments and a national government 

Federalists: People who supported ratification of the Constitution 

Great Compromise: A compromise between the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan that created a two-house Congress; representation based on the population of the House of Representatives and equal representation of states in the Senate 

Natural Rights: the right of life, liberty, and property; no government may take away 

New Jersey Plan: a plan that called for a one-house national legislature; each state would receive one vote 

Republic: a form of government in which political power rests in the hands of the people, and is exercised by elected representatives 

Reserved Powers: any powers not prohibited by the Constitution or delegated to the national government; powers reserved to the states and denied to the federal government

Separation of Powers: the sharing of powers among three separate branches of governments 

Social Contract: an agreement between people and government in which citizens consent to be governed so long as the government protects their natural rights 

Supremacy Clause: the statement in (Article VI) the Constitution that federal law is superior to laws passed by the state legislatures 

Three-Fifths Compromise: a compromise between northern and southern states that called for counting of all a state's free population and 60% of its enslaved population for both federal taxation and representation in Congress 

Unicameral Legislature: A legislature with one house, like the Confederation Congress of the legislation proposed by the New Jersey Plan 

Veto: the power of the president to reject a law proposed by Congress 

Virginia Plan: A plan for a two-house legislature; representatives would be elected to the lower house based on each state's population; representatives for the upper house would be chosen by the lower house 

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